Different types of Makeup Brush hairs
There are mainly two different categories of hairs used in making most of the makeup brushes . Natural and synthetic . both these types have their benefits in different type of applications.
Natural vs. Synthetic
One of the most important things to consider when selecting a makeup brush is the quality and type of hair it is made of. Many natural options include Saikoho & Saibikoho goat, gray squirrel, silver fox, and even Kolinsky sable.
There is a category of hairs termed as "Animal Cruelty free hairs". These come under natural category but are actually sourced without harming any animals. These are mostly goat 🐐 hairs. These are named as Saibikoho & Saikoho, which gets shaved off without harming any animal. Shaving off extra hairs keep them healthy and in few weeks there is whole lot bunch of hairs grow back. It’s same like humans shave their head or go to salon for hair cutting.
In our natural collection of makeup brushes we keep mix of Saikoho and Saibikoho hairs.
White hair brushes consist of mix of saikoho & Saibikoho. Whereas black hair brushes on our series M are pure Saibikoho which are considered as softest and originated from Japan then exported to different factories in all parts of world.
Our M05 Bronzer Brush, M06 Small Contour Brush & M09 Flat Base face brush as shown in pics below, are Saikoho & saibikoho goat hairs. Whereas brushes MU92 & MU95 from our Series M ‘multiuse series consist purely of Saibikoho hairs.
There are also Synthetic hair Brushes, a new technology which is being served for all vegan customers who only prefers synthetic.
In our collection these are made of synthetic hairs -
M04, MU90, MU91
Each type of material serves a different purpose, and it varies in terms of softness.
Increasingly, brands are using synthetic materials like Taklon and Micro Crystal fiber that mimics the functionality of natural hair. The technology behind synthetic hair brushes is so incredible & can achieve a beautiful, refined application and our customers are working with them.
Synthetic brush fibres can be shaped more like virgin hair [which] results in a soft feel and smooth application. The quality can so closely mimic natural ones that it can be hard to tell any difference upon the skin.
The prevalence of synthetic materials is likely to increase as time progresses. Just as many fashion brands have committed to going cruelty-free with their ready-to-wear cosmetics, beauty houses are moving in a similar direction. To ensure that your purchases align with your ethics, be sure to check each tool you purchase and find out precisely what it’s made from.
Once Again, it’s all comes to personal preference. Some clients prefer goat hair brushes over synthetic. And some of them just like synthetic brushes. As per demands and likes of our customers we keep huge variety of natural & synthetic brushes. Have a look and grab some while it’s available.
Natural brush link
Synthetic brushes link
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